Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept insurance?

Dr. Sworowski is an in-network provider for many health insurance plans including Medicare as well as several plans offered by Aetna, Cigna, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Medcost, United Health Care, Multiplan, and Humana. As each carrier differs with respect to coverage of specialty services, please check with your insurance company to verify coverage for your particular policy. 

What should I bring?

Patients should take medication as prescribed and bring any medications that need to be taken during the appointment. Please also bring any relevant medical documentation as well as the completed background questionnaire sent to you by Chris Sanner. Patients should come prepared with reading glasses and/or hearing aids, as you will be involved in tasks that require reading and listening to instructions. 

We recommend that patients eat before the appointment. You are welcome to take a lunch/snack break during testing, but please keep in mind that this adds to the total appointment time. We no longer offer coffee or snacks in our office suite due to COVID considerations, so please bring drinks or food with you to the appointment. 

What are your COVID procedures?

Our staff are fully vaccinated and have received their booster vaccines as well. We have medical air filters in each office and disinfect surfaces, pens/pencils and test materials after each use. Patients and their families are required to wear masks regardless of vaccine status. Even with precautions in place, the risk of COVID transmission is not zero. Please feel free to discuss any COVID concerns before moving forward with testing.